Google Chrome is here!!!!!!!!!

At last I have installed it. It is really great. You can download it from  It is light and fast. I have tried this with 78tabs. It wasn’t crushed! Thanks Google. It is really a great relief to me. Please make sure to bye bye Firefox and IE.

Thanks for great support in Bangla. Ii is perfect. I can see my smoothly. I’ll use this browser for the next 96hours (it is already my default browser). I am really impressed by the beauty of grabbing my favorite (other browser).

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It’ll be my pleasure if you start using it! I can assure you, this is a great browser!

I can read my beloved Bangla smoothly. 🙂 Here is the current market shares between browsers. This report is based on TechCrunch. Thanks goes to Mike. I am his great fan!

Below what Michael Arington ( says:

There have been a number of timed and anecdotal speed tests performed on Google Chrome over the last couple of days.

My personal testing: Chrome is the fastest browser I have ever used. More structured TechCrunch testing showed similar results: It’s fast. Here are what others came up with:

CNET agrees, but their approach was biased towards Google. Chrome came out way ahead in a suite of Javascript benchmark tests. The only problem is that Google hosts the testsand flat out says they tuned their V8 Javascript engine around them. The test does show Chrome coming out way ahead of other browsers (for me, Chrome had a score of 403 v. IE7’s 18). Try it out for yourself.

And also try the SunSpider Javascript benchmark test as well. Firefox’s new build, which runs the TraceMonkey engine, comes in marginally faster than Chrome there.

Today Yahoo’s Zimbra team also published their own test results based on how well different browsers ran the Javascript-heavy Zimbra web application. No surprise: Chrome beat the pants off of Firefox and (especially) IE8. But…Safari came in slightly ahead of Chrome.

So Is Chrome the fastest browser? Who knows. It clearly runs Javascript, at least, very well. But more important than these speed tests is Google’s build on Mac and Linux. A lot of users are still sitting on the sidelines, waiting to try it out.

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Saqib September 4, 2008 - 7:23 pm
Ashole Google etodine browser ber kore nai jonno amader ei durobostha. Microsoft should learn something out of it.
Nirjhar September 4, 2008 - 8:18 pm
Yea Saqib! Right you're. It is really a cool browser! It can render CSS very easily. Still has some problem with JS handler. I think they'll fix it soon.
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