KaritKarma Limited | An Achiever’s Guide to Business Automation Process (BPA)

An Achiever’s Guide to Business Automation Process (BPA)0 CommentsSeptember 9, 2015by KaritKarma LimitedBPA, CRM, erp, HRM, Leave a commentLet’s just dive head on. Why go for a Business Process Automation software to begin with? Sure, you could have your accounts guy with his Microsoft Excel sheet take care of his end for you. And maybe the supervisor you hired can oversee and administer day to day business activities?Like all successful entrepreneurs, do look into the future, though? Let me make it easy. Take your startup, for instance — think a year ahead. You have more employees to manage the increasing amounts of workload that you just can’t handle and soon enough you find your yearly returns to be no better than last year.Maybe machines taking over jobs is inevitable anyway. And it’s okay as long as it does refer back to helping you? This is where your BPA software comes in. Do consider the following schemes.Break out of the understanding that your BPA software only does your accounts. It in reality offers much more than you comprehend. From streamlining communication between the company hierarchy to enforcing accountability among your staff (and yourself) — from cutting down on errors and placing terms on black and white to curtailing costs and capital due to inefficiency.Maximizing efficiency — an obvious ‘go to’ place for your business. It goes without saying that forwarding emails down a chain of command is easier off when you don’t have to remember or even note down the ids of everyone in the group. But of course, this facet of efficiency goes beyond that. Imagine a company self-run, if you will — with an eliminated need of tardy middlemen and agents to pull through what you’ve been aiming at.Company records, data and transactions are all stored in one base, making it easy for you to look back on past mistakes, rectify or learn from it or even account the person in the chain for the error – not to mention an elevated transparency in the whole process. From restricted areas of the database available to directors to those available to all make the business a well formed process to be customized to your liking.An analysis of the said data will have a far reaching use. Looking back at the evolution of your company — from a small startup to where you’ve come today can certainly make way for future decisions and facilitate in shaping your business. Your BPA software will single handedly provide for an insight that you needed all along, one much more precise than what countless general meetings of the company will ever produce.Investing on Business Process Automation will in every way be the best thing that happened to your company, be it the biggest of its sort or a small startup struggling to find itself. It remains only rational to hand over a majority of your work to a software that doesn’t err and say no to the excessive number of employees taking up salary and space. With the way the world keeps changing, it only makes sense to get more done in a 500 square feet office than less in a million dollar sluggish workplace. With increasing number of professionals resorting to BPAs, this little phenomenon is no longer a thing of the future. Your one time investment is guaranteed to pay off.

Source: KaritKarma Limited | An Achiever’s Guide to Business Automation Process (BPA)

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