I am here with some good news today. In the last several months we’ve released lots of new feature in Pageflakes (www.pageflakes.com) and all you know that. But considering to the history of technical effort of Pageflakes, Blizzard is our milestone. In Blizzard our beloved Pageflakes got new look and feel.
· Pageflakes has been at the forefront of the convergence of personalization and social media, being the first and only company to introduce Pagecasting – sharing your personalized page with a group of friends or with the entire world.
· Social Features: With Blizzard, Pageflakes is breaking new ground again by being the first and only company to introduce a product that is at the intersection of personalized pages and social networking, allowing Pageflakes users to find other users with common personal interests, connect with them, and view their Pagecasts.
· Media Partners: While 120,000 Pagecasts have been created by individuals, schools and businesses to date, our media partner announcement marks the first time that recognized worldwide media brands are leveraging the Pageflakes platform to reach existing and new audiences in an entirely new way. Partners include USA Today,
· New Flake (widget) Gallery with 240,000 Flakes – one of the largest and most comprehensive listings of RSS feeds, widgets and podcasts
· Full Page Theming Capability – on each page, pick or create a theme that allows you to customize every element of the page with colors, images, photos and more. You can even upload CSS.
· One-Button Personalization – iPod-like controls for personalizing your page, making it even easier to get the exact page you want by adding Flakes, themes, and more
· New and Enhanced Flakes:
o Anything Flake – Easily create your own flake with WYSIWYG editor, rich text, pictures (HTML optional)
o New Multimedia RSS Flake detects and plays inline rich media (audio, video) right inside flake
We look forward to your feedback, and we hope you enjoy the new version. Leave your comment at nirjhar@pageflakes.com.
Lutfar Rahman Nirjhar
Country Manager, Bangladesh
Pageflakes Limited