I took this shot from Jahangir Nagar University Campus, in TSC area. This tree was a Banyan Tree. This bird with his folks was dancing over the branches of that tree. The number of birds was some hundreds. They were eating the fruits of the tree. And they looked very happy (may be the meal was really delicious) while they’re singing and dancing.
পাখিটার বাংলা নাম ভুলে গেছি। সুন্দর একটা নাম আছে। কেউ্ দয়াকরে আপডেট করে দিন। আমার পাখি বিষয়ক জ্ঞান অনেক কম। এই ছবিটাও আমার ফ্লিকারে আপলোড করেছি।