I don’t know all the telephone extension numbers in the Daily Star office. I know my extension which is 777. I know the extension of Mizanur Rahman which is 555. Very easy to remember. But all other extensions? I only remember a few. I know the extension of my editor, Executive Editor and Chief Accountant. For the rest, I seek help from our telephone operator for any extensions. Apart from the key personnel, I know the extension number 560. This number belonged to our storekeeper Syamol da. This is a very frequently dialled number from my end. Most of the cases are for pen, stapler or glue. All are very essential stationery. And my colleagues don’t bother to get things from the store but my desk. If any audit goes on for stationary usage, I will be ranked number one in our office.
Today, I got an email from the HR department that Shyamol da passed away at 1:30 pm due to COVID-19. He was a gentleman. Very soft-spoken and sincere. Still, I remember his effort to put a pen holder on my desk. He replaced that the 3 times!
RIP Shyamol da. You were a very good soul.