Well done ! Congratulation !! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Gratulálok !! You are invited to add this image to: Creative Photographers Group "CP group" Have a nice day !
Such an amazing shot, well done. I think this photo is a Please add your photo to http://www.flickr.com/groups/supershot/ After you add it to the group pool, please tag this photo as a SuperShot</strong
Nice shot. Strange the way water behaves. Love the focus. This photo was scored: 5/ 5 from Visit Ultimate Score Me by clicking on the logo above or visiting http://www.flickr.com/groups/ultimatescoreme/
If you have not already done so, please add your photo to http://www.flickr.com/groups/supershot/ After you add it to the group pool, please tag this photo as a SuperShot.
This Great Photographic Art was made by a Diamond Class Photographer! Please add your photo to Flicker Diamond The Diamond Class Photographer Read the group rules please and tag your photo DiamondClassPhotographer You may tag your photo again as flickrdiamond
Very interesting image. I like the sharp foreground and soft background. Congratulation !! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!! Gratulálok !! This Great Photographic art was made by a Creative Photographer ! Seen in/ Gesehen in der Gruppe: Creative Photographers Group "CP group" Have a nice day ! Please TAG your photo: CreativePhotographers
Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)
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You Are A Blue Ribbon Winner! If you haven’t done so, please add your photo to
Blue Ribbon Photography (Invited Images ONLY)
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I saw this in
A Big Fave
You are my winner!
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Great Shot! Please join us at:
Congratulation !! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!
Gratulálok !!
You are invited to add this image to:
Creative Photographers Group "CP group"
Have a nice day !
Great Shot! Please join us at:
Definitely a winner!!!
You deserve another one.
Found in http://www.flickr.com/groups/mywinners/
*Award*(1 Post: 2 Award)
*Award*(1 Post: 2 Award)
Your Photo Wins a Heart
From Heart Awards Group .
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I think this photo is a
Please add your photo to http://www.flickr.com/groups/supershot/
After you add it to the group pool, please tag this photo as a SuperShot</strong
*Award*(1 Post: 2 Award)
This photo was scored: 5/ 5 from
Visit Ultimate Score Me by clicking on the logo above or visiting http://www.flickr.com/groups/ultimatescoreme/
Visit Ultimate Score Me by clicking on the logo above or visiting http://www.flickr.com/groups/ultimatescoreme/
Focus Legacy Award / Excellence on flickr
You are invited to add this image to http://www.flickr.com/groups/bigfave
Please tag this photo with ABigFave when you add it to the pool.
I agree, this is definitely a
If you have not already done so, please add your photo to http://www.flickr.com/groups/supershot/
After you add it to the group pool, please tag this photo as a SuperShot.
Visit Ultimate Score Me by clicking on the logo above or visiting http://www.flickr.com/groups/ultimatescoreme/
a little dark for me
Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)
This Great Photographic Art was made by a Diamond Class Photographer!
Please add your photo to Flicker Diamond The Diamond Class Photographer
Read the group rules please and tag your photo DiamondClassPhotographer
You may tag your photo again as flickrdiamond
wonderful shot
(Join Outstanding Shot group and give awards!)
Please add "Outstanding Shots" tag to your photo
Congratulation !! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!
Gratulálok !!
This Great Photographic art was made by a Creative Photographer !
Seen in/ Gesehen in der Gruppe:
Creative Photographers Group "CP group"
Have a nice day !
Please TAG your photo: CreativePhotographers
This picture is a celebration of seasons and deserves to be posted in the Celebration of Seasons Group
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
You captured a wonderful mood in an interessting picture.
Wonderful photography and with an insurmountable perspective. They enchant the tones to me and effects of the water, are precious .
Seen in Tornado Award (?)
Beauty is in the *Eye* of the Beholder!
Invited with SIC
Nice shot.
Citrit group
Love your stream!
Citrit, best of yours!
have faved and tagged your picture with BRAVO and this serves as an invitation to The Best: BRAVO.
Citrit, best of yours!
How cool is this shot, awesome work!
Esho Nip bone chaya bithi tole"
Please add your Beautiful Photo to:
Beauty is in the *Eye* of the Beholder!
nicely focused
preciosa foto!!
Great water work, fine DOF!
An extraordinary photo like this deserves to be seen, please join us and show your creation:

People’s Choice
People’s Choice
People’s Choice
Seen in PEOPLE’S CHOICE (Post 1, Award 3) Best Quality Images Only. (?)
People’s Choice
People’s Choice
You deserve "Another Diamond" on your Great Photo!
I have seen your Great Photographic Art in:
Flickr Diamond: The Diamond Class Photographer
It’s been selected for Lens of Bangladesh Celebration Thread.
Seen in a gallery. (?)